Charter members &
pAst PResidents
of AUgusta Alumnae Chapter

Chapter Establishment
The Augusta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered to function in 1978. Prior to receiving this charter, Augusta Area members were affiliated with the Aiken-Augusta chapter. During this era, Margaret Jones served as President of the Aiken- Augusta Alumnae Chapter. Delta chapters are assigned by our National Headquarters to geographical districts. Although Aiken, South Carolina and Augusta, Georgia are neighboring cities, Aiken is in the South Atlantic Region and Augusta is in the Southern Region.
Hertha Blount, Marie Johnson and Mildred Brown were instrumental in pursuing the establishment of the Augusta Alumnae Chapter. Their efforts and the efforts of others were rewarded when on August 29, 1978, Soror National President, Thelma T. Daley notified Augusta sorors of the approval of the charter establishing the Augusta Alumnae Chapter. Soror Daley officially welcomed the Augusta Alumnae Chapter to the Southern Region. Officers for the newly formed chapter were installed on October 14, 1978, by the Southern Regional Director, Kathleen Wright and Regional Representative, Alexis Roberts.
Many well wishes were exchanged between the Aiken and Augusta Chapters as each aligned with the appropriate region. The first president of the Augusta Chapter was Soror Geneva Stallings. Thirty-two (32) sorors were recognized as chapter charter members. The Augusta Alumnae chapter immediately began to initiate public service activities, develop community liaisons, and remains respected for its vision and leadership.
Past Presidents
Since 1978, the Augusta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority has had leadership to guide the chapter and implement their vision for the chapter to make an impact in the Richmond and Burke County areas.
This page is currently under construction. Please check back at a later time for pictures of our past presidents!